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Goldern Horn tram has tripled property prices

Posted by on December 5, 2017

Goldern Horn tram has tripled property prices

The development of the tramway line reaching out from Eminonu to Alibeykoy Otogarı in Istanbul caused sudden changes in real estate property prices in the area. Inside the extent of the project, particularly 3 months back, the development of construction sites in the shores of Golden Horn in Eyup and the heaping of piles to fill areas prompted a 2-3 times increase in real estate prices in the area. Real estate agents in Eyup district expressed that for the apartments they had sold to 200 thousand liras until a year ago, the proprietors asserted 600 thousand liras, the costs were paid by the owners and the sales halted due to the inflated prices.

Istanbul Apartments For Sale in Turkey Goldern Horn tram has tripled property prices

Real Estate representatives, claim that sudden price increases finished the essentialness in the area and expressed that property owners’ acknowledgment of the real appreciation about the region increased the costs with the begin of transportation projects. They state great movement in the district in the most recent 5 years in light of the intense urban transformation change.

“The Eminonu-Alibeykoy tram project is an essential undertaking  project for Eyup as well as for Gaziosmanpasa and Kagithane, a great location for the individuals who want to invest in. The property owners in the immediate region are expecting an expansion like the valuation brought by large projects. A sudden change in prices has finished the development in the district and costs need to go back to normal, property owners’ desires are wrong. “

The project will cost 492 million liras

The tram project, which will cost 492 million liras, is intended to enter operation in 2019. There will be 14 traveler stations in the undertaking. At the point when the project is finished; it is expected that the evaluated travel time along the course will be 30 minutes and the traveler capacity will be 25,000 passengers / hour (one way).

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Istanbul Apartments For Sale in Turkey Goldern Horn tram has tripled property prices
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Goldern Horn tram has tripled property prices
The development of the tramway line reaching out from Eminonu to Alibeykoy Otogarı in Istanbul caused sudden changes in real estate property prices in the area.
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Istanbul Apartments For Sale
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